JLCooper Electronics was one of the developers of the MIDI Time Code Standard. In 1987 we designed and manufactured the first hardware that supported MTC. JLCooper continues to engineer the most reliable, affordable and innovative solutions to solve the complex synchronization challenges in today's studio.
  • dataMASTER
  • dataSYNC2
  • PPS-2

  • dataMASTER

    DataMaster gjør at ADAT aynkroniseres til til alle typer data-baserte systemer og video-editorer via SMPTE time code. Med innebygget MIDI Machine Control, integreres ADAT's digitale audiosignaler med med nær sagt alle professjonelle audio/video oppsett. ADAT kan f.eks. synkroniseres med båndmaskin, sequencer etc. NB! NY, lavere PRIS. 6.170.- inkl mva.

    NY! MMC/9PIN Converter gjør det mulig å kontrollere profesjonelle videospillere og analoge tapemaskiner fra computer-baserte sequencere og BRC remote-kontroll. Den konverterer også video sync til MTC slik at sequencere kan synkroniseres til video uten å trenge et SMPTE-spor på tapen. Dette er et uunnværlig produkt for alle som jobber med lyd til video og som har BRC, Performer, Digital Performer, Vision, Studio, Cakewalk Professional, CueBase, Logic eller andre MMC-kompatible

    dataMaster(tm), is a professional synchronizer for the popular Alesis ADAT. It allows ADAT to sync to SMPTE time code. With the inclusion of MIDI Machine Control, dataMaster provides unprecedented integration of ADAT's digital audio into virtually any professional audio/video application. Because, no matter how good one piece of equipment is, it must co-exist with the rest of your studio.

    A Wide Variety of MIDI and SMPTE Synchronization Functions
    The dataMaster provides maximum flexibility by connecting ADAT to other devices in your studio. This is accomplished by providing numerous methods of bi-directional synchronization. dataMaster can produce MIDI Time Code from ADAT's internal sample clock. This allows ADAT to sync and autolocate a MIDI sequencer running on an external computer; and accomplishes this without wasting an audio track. Conversely, with dataMaster, ADAT can be directly controlled from a MIDI sequencer via MIDI Time Code. Jump to a new measure on your sequencer and ADAT's digital audio tracks will jump with you. Whatever your MTC compatible application, dataMaster provides seamless integration of digital audio into your MIDI system.

    The dataMaster works with SMPTE as well, by allowing ADAT to be sync'ed to SMPTE coming from a multi-track tape or video recorder.
    Finally you can easily integrate digital audio tracks into your current analog tape-based system. The dataMaster supports SMPTE frame rates of 24, 25, 30, 30 drop, 29.97, and 29.97 drop.
    In addition, dataMaster has the unique ability to translate ADAT's sync track into SMPTE.

    MIDI Machine Control
    MIDI Machine Control (MMC) allows ADAT's control functions, such as Play, Fast Forward, Pause, Rewind, etc. to be translated to/from MMC. Now ADAT can sync to and from virtually all time-based devices in your studio.

    An MMC-equipped MIDI sequencer or JLCooper's CuePoint, for example, will allow you to set punch in and out points for both the sequencer and the ADAT. For example, marker points can be set for verse and chorus. ADAT will then autolocate to the correct position and even begin recording if you want. dataMaster also provides for bi-directional synchronization and can address up to 16 ADAT's. When coupled with other MMC-compatible devices, dataMaster provides universal control for your studio.

    data9Pin - Sony 9 Pin Option
    For professional video applications, an optional Sony 9 Pin adapter is available for receiving control commands from professional video editing systems. This compatibility, when coupled with its already extensive synchronization functions, allows dataMaster and ADAT to integrate seamlessly in an a video-oriented post-production facility.

    Pris: MMC/9pin 4.750.- inkl. mva.
    dataMASTER kr. 6.170 inkl. mva.

    dataMASTER | dataSYNC2 | PPS-2

    Pan Lydstudio AS, Valstadsvingen 2 (Boks 77),
    2013 SKJETTEN. Tlf.63 84 33 30 (12-16) fax. 63 84 49 70

    Profesjonelt lydstudio. CD-opptak og produksjon. Salg av keyboards, Hammond & Leslier, musikk & data-utstyr, software, nytt og brukt musikkutstyr. Utleie og reparasjoner.

    © Copyright Pan Lydstudio 2001

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